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Bilger Railings

Tips for Staircase Renovations

Updated: Sep 20, 2022

Staircases are both a major aesthetic feature and functional part of the interior.

So, where do you begin? How do design plans come in? And, what durable materials do you use when renovating? We answer these questions below, providing you with relevant staircase renovation tips.

Get the dimensions right

One of the most important things to do with staircases is to get your dimensions to comply with residential building regulations.

For instance, the vertical rises must be of equal height - a maximum of 22cm. On the other hand, the goings or treads must be at least 22cm. Also, you cannot have your staircase pitch more than 42 degrees to either side, an essential consideration for spiral staircases.

Also, at various points off and on the staircase, a minimum of two meters of head height is recommended. The regulations are less strict concerning width.

Choose the right material to complement your space

Timber, concrete, metal, and glass finishes are all attractive options, provided they blend well with the immediate surroundings.

Before your staircase renovations get underway, consider your home’s aesthetic, and choose an option that will last. If you’re still unsure, you can consult a professional staircase company to help you make the right and suitable choices.

Choose a style that suits your period home

In homes built in the traditional style, modern staircase designs generally look ill-fitting, no matter how sophisticated it is.

If your home is small and classic-styled, you can use black metal designs and consistent chunky spindles to complement window furniture and cast-iron doors. You can also opt for slim spindles, as they give off a spacious and light effect.

Add balustrades

One of the most significant challenges in staircase renovations is balustrade upgrades. With modern glass panels or unique spindle profiles, you can give your staircase a unique look.

The former option, glass panels, are exceptionally functional in allowing light to pass through and brighten the space.

Oak parts are also attractive, given their natural beauty when oiled.

Wall rails are functional and essential

Most people prefer to design staircases with rails to one side. However, wall rails look truly exquisite and are a highly essential safety feature for your staircase.

Add carpets to your risers and treads

Accidents often occur on the stairs when there’s inadequate friction between passing feet and the stair materials. You can solve this problem in one go by adding carpets to the risers and treads.

Asides from being functional, the right-colored carpet feels soft underfoot, minimizes noise, and looks beautiful.

And if you need help with your staircase renovation, you can’t go wrong choosing Bilger Railing & Stairs. Tell us how we can help today.

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